Sunday, December 7, 2008

Disney - Epcot

It was a chilly day at Disney, but I am finally feeling human. The news said it was the coldest night of the season so far. Bill woke up not well and grew progressively worse through the day. Mandy got packed and ready to fly out tonight. She and Bill took her bag down to the reception area of the campground and checked her in for her flight. Bill decided he wasn’t up for the lunch at the German Biergarten in Epcot, so we canceled those reservations. Mandy wanted to go there anyway for a few hours, so we all drove over about 12:30.

We got the worst parking place ever in Disney. We were totally at the end of the row away from the trams, 75 cars away!! We got to the entrance and took a roundtrip monorail ride to the Magic Kingdom and back. Mandy has always loved the monorail. When we got back to Epcot, Bill was feeling worse, so he took the bus back to the RV. Mandy and I picked up fast passes for Fast Track and then went to the Sunshine Seasons restaurant in The Land. This is one of the best counter restaurants at Disney: no burgers, no fries, lots of salads, fruit, fresh wraps, chicken, Asian food, soups. I had a turkey and Muenster cheese on foccacia. Mandy had a fruit and cheese platter.

We then went on the Spaceship Earth ride which has been redone and is really rather neat, portraying the evolution of communication of man. We decided to go see if we could get on Fast Track before our fast pass time. The Single Rider line was only 20 minutes, so we did that. We stand in line together the whole way and then end up in different cars, filling in where an empty spot exists. After that we headed back to the Tracker (past all 75 cars!) and came back to the RV. Bill was huddled up asleep in bed. He didn’t feel well at all. Mandy finished getting ready, and I drove her down to reception where she caught the bus to the airport.

Bill was up and down most of the evening. He did rally to watch the final episode of the Amazing Race. We were totally pleased with the outcome. I went down to the beach to watch the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom – 15 minutes of amazing fireworks reflecting over the lake with Christmas music playing over the PA. So neat!

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