Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ft Wilderness

It was a lovely day at Ft Wilderness. We sat outside with our coffee and watched the birds. Bill worked on cutting down the sewer hose so it would fit in the pipe. I worked on some photos and enjoyed having a relaxing morning. After lunch we headed out for Costco. We got a small, sturdy table to use when we don’t have a picnic table or as a table between our lawn chairs. Bill got some wine, and I got some shorts and a book. We stopped at a grocery on the way home and picked up some fruit.

We made it home in time to see an armadillo looking for bugs next to our site. He was a large one and totally ignored us as I got my camera and took some photos. We also started packing up for the trip to St Augustine tomorrow. It was just nice to move at a slower pace today after two park-filled days.

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