Monday, March 16, 2009

Perry GA FMC Convention

It was a cold, nasty, rainy day all day! I kept rolling over and going back to sleep as is fitting on a day like today. Bill was up early and over to the info pavilion to sign up for a safe driving seminar tomorrow. He hung around there and went to a seminar on RVing in Atlantic Canada and a towing roundtable. He didn’t learn anything new about towing, but he got some info about Canada. He ate lunch there, went to some exhibits. He spun the wheel at a booth sponsored by Minute Rice and won the ‘big’ prize. He even got his photo taken with his prize – a microwavable brown and wild rice product containing two individual servings. We got a laugh out of that.

I stayed here drinking coffee, chatting with Mandy, and watching the folks try to ford the huge Georgia red mud puddles next to us. They have to get to the road to catch the tram to the main exhibit/seminar buildings. The best thing I saw was a little old couple. The husband had on plastic grocery bags tied around his shoes. His wife had on Zip Loc baggies, and they walked gingerly through the mud. The RV in front of us gave up and left even though the rain should stop late tonight, and the sun should shine the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill won A Major Award!